Thursday, 30 March 2017

How Spirituality Can Help You Overcome Sorrow And Hopelessness ?

Tears have a sacred meaning. They do not symbolise weakness, but they are epitome of power.  A single tear can have a multifaceted effect which the tongue cannot create. Tears are overwhelming messengers of deep contribution, unspeakable sanctity and grief.

The feelings of grief and hopelessness captivate all the living beings on earth. However, their intensities and overall duration varies from one person to another. One may feel that grieves are sapping away our energies thereby making it difficult for us to execute the routine tasks of the day. A tormented heart doesn’t inclines towards anyone. It feels aloof and practices seclusion most of the time. However, till when it should be prolonged? Of course we all need to kick out these feelings and replace them with the positive ones. How to do it? Let’s overpower it now.


Vent Out Completely

You would have often seen people trying to pacify you during the sad times. You might have also been told to stop your tears from overflowing. But, actually you should practice crying when something slams your heart. Never stop yourself from emanating the sorrow in form of tears. Tears are the only ways through which one can get rid of that burdensome heart and life stroking feelings.

Go Off To Sleep

Since, you have cried substantially and now you don’t feel like doing anything else, it would be better to go off to sleep.  Sleeping acts as a soothing balm for the human soul. It is the best medicine for any kind of emotional trauma. Definitely you will feel better after waking up.

Practice Mindfulness

By practice mindfulness, you shall be able to acknowledge the past experiences without creating any judgment about yourself. The practice of mindfulness changes the way human brain responds to grieves. It can additionally assist you to recover from melancholy. Mindfulness lets you channelize your thoughts to the present scenario and helps in invalidating rumination.


Meet Your Friends

Perhaps, meeting the ones with whom you can talk your heart out and enjoy some prosperous moments will let you somewhat combat mournfulness. Meeting your friends shall help you to avoid those doctrines which are saddening you. You might end up discussing your problem with them which is again helpful for a grief stricken heart.

Power of Sleep

Do Yoga Or Exercise

Yoga has the superpower to relief stress. It has been scientifically proven that practicing yoga releases certain hormones within the body that effortlessly encounter gloominess. You can practice yoga alone or with some fellow mates for a better experience. If you feel that the feeling of stress is restraining you from getting into strenuous exercise or yoga, maybe go out for a long walk in the open air. Walking can also help you to get distracted from your sorrow to a great extent.


Monday, 27 March 2017

Dalai Lama: “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness”

The man whose religion is kindness says “the secret of happiness lies within the kind attitude that a person has for another”. The Dalai Lama believes that being kind is the key to get rid of all miseries present on the earth. This world is an ocean of grief and tragedies. For staying happy and contented a mutual feeling of kindness and compassion is a must. There is no other possible way to bring peace to humankind other than compassion. Had those terrorists been compassionate, no man would have had to die for his religious choice, no child would have been living a life of an orphan or no woman would have to travel thousands of miles in the search of refuge.


Sadly, even imagine a world without any conflict is so difficult and at a point it becomes almost disturbing. We belong to a brainwashed generation. As told by George Orwell, we have been taught that “Ignorance is Strength” and “War is Peace”. Values of Love, kindness, friendship, generosity, compassion, tolerance and service are gradually vanishing.

Buddhism has always encouraged us to awaken our hearts, our consciousness. It believes in in the inner awakening. With the help of meditation we can actually feel that compassion in ourselves which we feel is slipping away day by day. Altruism is something which is deep down inside everyone but it is laden by the weight of greed and chaos.

One basic principle is, “What you feel is what you attract.” Many people do not want to be kind to others because according to them they will always get hatred and backstabbing in return. But this is not true. Initially you could be the victim of negativity but if you keep your positivity on, you would be able to change the world around you. There was only one Buddha who changed the way world perceived religion. Spirituality and religion are two sides of the same coins.

Power of Silence

Meditation Buddhist Monk Buddhism Enlightenment

The ultimate goal of man is Salvation. Salvation is attained when man is satisfied, his soul is satisfied and satisfaction comes from happiness. Happiness from within, happiness from others and happiness from the almighty is what a man wants.

True happiness according to his holiness The Dalai Lama comes from Kindness. Be kind to others, to animals, to plants, to mother earth and most importantly your soul. Your soul, which ultimately joins that great soul which is the mysterious power binding everything together.

The moment you start thinking just about yourself, your mind gets narrowed and you are forever stuck in this rat-race of the world. For joining the great being, for joining the cosmos, one needs to be compassionate and serve the mankind. Love is contagious. One act of love and kindness can change someone’s life forever. All you need to do is feel empathy and sympathy both. Ours is a world and soul to heal. It will be happy only when served with warm kindness. There is no other secret than this!


Saturday, 25 March 2017

The Eternal Love Story of Lord Krishna and Radha

The eternal love story of Krishna and Radha has always intrigued us. What made the relentless bond break between the two? Did they actually separate or it was all paradoxical? Certainly, there is a hefty amount of inquisitiveness that captivates the mind when admiring about the pious couple. It’s time to discover some covert truth that would brush up your understanding for the eternal power.

Lord Krishna often went to Vrindavan to bestow his blessings to the people. He used to play all kinds of mischiefs, would sing and dance with the young cowboys and cowgirls of Vrindavan. Radha was amongst many girls who loved Krishna.

Radha Krishna

Radha was 10years elder to Krishna and they both wanted to marry each other. Although, Krishna was ready to sworn Radha as his wedded wife, but the world would never accept such a young boy marrying a girl elder to him. They both decided to execute the wedding ceremonial in Vrindavan and decided not to unleash the truth to the sagacious world.

The main twist in the saga took place when Krishna jokingly said that he was not a king. Radha was traumatized with his paradoxes and asked him to leave. She added “I don’t care whether you are prince or not, all I care is that you are a liar. I can never love a liar. Go away Krishna, go away and never come back”. Krishna decided to leave vrindavan and took the final bidding from his beloved in form of a kiss on her forehead.

Krishna`s maternal uncle (kansa) had invited him to Mathura for some urgent ceremonies. On accepting the invitation, Krishna participated in the event and decided never to come back to Radha. Yashoda, Krishna`s mother was also willing to prolong Krishna`s stay in. She cried and managed to receive Krishna`s consent to remain a part of Mathura.

Lord Krishna Radha

Radha`s anger for Krishna was just a temporal phase that evacuated within just few days.  Both of them remarried again after taking rebirth. Radha and Krishna are incarnations for lord Vishnu and goddess Lakshmi. Radha and Krishna have always been worshipped together. The relentless bond has created a new level of love. There are many other beliefs linked with the love story of Radha and Krishna. However, it’s upon the believer how he perceives it. Krishna without Radha is unimaginable. Their bond is divine and special. The temple idols and all the spiritual scripts always enchant Radha-krishna as a one soul. The love story of Krishna and Radha is above the sexual and worldly desires.

People often asked Krishna why you and Radha don’t get married. On hearing the innocent questions; Krishna used to reply “marriage happens between two individuals. Radha and I are one. How is possible to get married then?

Love has no boundaries. It is free from caste, creed and any social bonds. Radha-krishna are inseparable. They symbolise true sanctity of love.

Please let us know your views by commenting in the comment box below.


Wednesday, 22 March 2017

The Teachings of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s Wisdom

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa, born in 18 Feb 1836, is one of the most acclaimed enlightened mystic and yogi from West Bengal, India. If Ramakrishna’s prime disciple Swami Vivekananda had not visited the West and exhorted about humanity and universal brotherhood, then the globe would have surely missed the discipline and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. It was possible only through Swami Vivekananda, that the world came to know about this renowned mystic.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa defended the pathway of Bhakti Marg or devotion to people. As per his teachings, in Kaliyug the path of dedication is best-suited to mankind. He himself was an extreme devotee of Goddess Kaali. He submitted totally into the prayers to Goddess Kaali. 

Some of his admirable teachings include:

  1. God is Love

Do not be mad for materialistic things present in the world. Be mad with the care and love of God. A lot of good prayers and sayings are found in holy books and scriptures. By simply reading those holy prayers will not make a person pious and religious. He must practice the generosities taught in the scriptures books so as to achieve the love of God.

  1. God is Accurate Knowledge

If anyone braces himself/herself with the ultimately true knowledge of the Universal Self and then exist in the crux of worldliness and wealth, it will not benefit or affect him/her at all. When the angelic perception is realized, everyone appears to be in a state of equilibrium; and there are no differences between good and evil. These two virtues cannot restrict him/her who has attained a feeling of oneness with Nature and his own self with Brahmin.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa

  1. God is in your Heart

Due to the curtain of Maya i.e. illusion that excludes God from human view, an individual cannot envision Him residing in one’s own heart. After planting the deity on the lotus in your heart, you must preserve the illumination of recalling God ever freeloading. While engrossed in the incidents of the world, one should uniformly set gaze upon the inner-self and check whether the lamp is burning or not.

  1. God is our Father and is Infinite

The real Father of everyone is none but God. He is there for all and has infinite forms through which He can be approached. There can be various forms and incarnations of the God himself but He is one. Undivided is who He is. He can be approachable only with the truth since He is the Guardian spirit of everyone living on this planet.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa

  1. God is the ultimate end of everything

One should work without any strings attached. To work without any expectation of reward or fear of punishment in this world is the ultimate truth and a wise thinking. God is the end to every phase and every walk of life. Everyone should take shelter in God. Get intoxicated with the love of Him. Pray to Him with a yearning heart with all your heart and soul. This will purify your heart.

These teachings of Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa, left the world bemused. His teachings would surely be an inspiration for future generations to come. If you found this article worth a help in your life, drop us a comment and share.


Tuesday, 21 March 2017

6 Tips to Get Rid Of Intestinal Worms

Intestinal worms are also called stomach wall parasites. They affect the human health dramatically. Different people have different types of intestinal worms which need to be encountered as soon as possible. The primary source of intestinal worms includes contaminated food, transmitting agents, sexual contact and impure water. Whipworm, tapeworm and pin worm are few common varieties of the intestinal parasites that have been studied so far.


Here are some of the easiest and helpful ways through which one can eradicate those life sucking parasites:


Coconut is the key to remove all kinds of intestinal parasites. It is a very strong anti-parasitic agent. Coconut can be consumed in form of a fruit or oil. Just have one tab. of crushed coconut with your breakfast. Subsequently, consume a glass of warm water at an interval of 3 hours. Make sure you add 1tb of castor oil in your water. This remedy is perfect for children who belong to lower age groups of 5-8 years.


The pungent smell and anti-parasitic properties of garlic helps to remove all possible varieties of intestinal worms. Raw garlic pods have amino acids that are anti-parasitic in nature. The anti-fungal and anti-fungal properties of garlic are the best to kill microbes present within the body. Having three cloves of raw garlic in empty stomach is one of the simplest methods that can be adopted for warding off intestinal worms.


Unripe papaya

Unripe papaya is commonly used as an Ayurveda medicine for curing ailments and intestinal worms. Papaya comprises of a latex named papain that can instantly destroy the stomach parasites. Besides, papaya seeds comprise of a substance called capriccio that helps in expelling intestinal worms.

Just mix one raw tablespoon of papaya with some hot water and honey. Drink the mixture right in the morning empty stomach. After two hours, consume a glass of warm milk with 1tb of castor oil mixed in it.

Pumpkin seeds

Some of the international level medical centers have been seen to recommend pumpkin seeds for removing intestinal worms. Pumpkin seeds comprise of anti-parasitic properties that can avoid the parasites from holding back to the intestinal walls.  All what you need to do is to crush some pumpkin seeds and put them in a boiling a cup of water. Let it seep for few minutes and drink it hot.

Pumpkin Seeds

Carom seeds

Carom seeds are great for curing intestinal worms. The thymol content of the carom seeds has the ability to inhibit the parasitic growth. As per Ayurveda, jaggery and carom seeds together are the best for purging away the intestinal worms. Try eating one tab. of jaggery each morning empty stomach and wait for few minutes before consuming the carom seeds. Do this at least daily for two weeks for getting a completely rid from intestinal worms.

Pomegranate tree bark

The pomegranate tree bark comprises of anthelmintic properties which is a good for aiding intestinal worms. Just add two-inch of pomegranate in tree bark in a cup of water. Boil till the liquid part evaporates. Allow it to cool and consume banana after having the medicinal mix.

Please subscribe and share your tips for helping us know some better ways for parasite eradication.


Friday, 17 March 2017

What Is Silent Retreat? How Can It Benifit You?

Being in the state of silence for a couple of days is often seen as a peaceful practice in many religious. Meals and accommodations are set aside and only prayers have a main role play. The mantras and hymns are mentally enchanted. Those who desperately wish to speak to such people can speak and convey their messages at the given time.

You can choose any two days for practicing silent retreat. Either a group practice can be done, or it can be carried individually at home. Silence is literally the best form of meditation. The act of silence serves as a nourishing atmosphere that is palpable.


The initial stages of silence can be somewhat painful and hard to bear. There can be sense of loneliness, seclusion, confusion, and unfamiliarity. However, gradually you will start cherishing being quiet. You would not find it needful to waste your energy by explaining things and initiating useless talks. The more peaceful you become internally, the easier it would become for you to withstand silence.  There would be a sheer clarity of vision on a regular practice of silence meditation. Eventually, you will choose longer spans of silence and will get reluctant to give it away.

People who practice silence have a greater intimacy for the world. Periods of not talking keeps the mind settled and relaxed. The pacification of mental state helps to keep the body relaxed. The practitioners of silence have a more vigilant sensory. The birdsongs which used to get ignored earlier can now be heard. We are able to notice more things than before.

The continuity of mind is easier when keep silent. The social interactions keep or brain excessively active and scattered. Some or the other activities tend to linger in our heads because of which important aspects are overlooked. The metal momentum can be attained only by keeping quiet.

Power of Silence

Meditation Buddhist Monk Buddhism Enlightenment

Silence retreat lets people have a space for themselves.  If you can manage to keep away from the digital life and practice this form of yoga, then there is a possibility for you to generate wisdom. The period of silence gives us the opportunity to focus upon the core values of life.

Keeping silent does not mean to stop speaking. But, it means to stop that mental chatter that has been a stress source for all. When mind is said to experience the aversion of desires and practices analytical thinking, then it can be said that have the outcome of silence meditation.  “Noble silence” gets achieved when the mind gets occupied with confidence, purity and peaceful thoughts.

It is always better to discover yourself in a better way, rather than trying to know what others are doing, saying and thinking. Silence highlights the virtue of humanity and sympathy. A person who keeps silent can generate better rapport than the ones who speaks excessively. Let the deepest connections develop and let your brain feel the tranquility with just two days of silence retreat in weekends.


Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev: Faith Is Silent And Insecurities Are Loud

Faith is a spontaneous phenomenon.  If it has to chance upon, it will happen on its own.  And, if it does not happen, you just can’t hold for it to suddenly downslope upon you.  In order to develop a true faith in something, you must try looking at a deeper side of it. It is only by grasping the fundamental of a concept that you’ll develop a sense of faith in them. Nine noble paths that must be followed by every human for the attainment of faith, peace and wisdom include:

  1. Practicing service of children
  2. Routine meditation and prayer service
  3. Prayer with family and group devotional hymns (bhajan)
  4. Participation in mankind service and community service programs
  5. Not speaking bad about others
  6. Using a soft tone to talk to people
  7. Study of the spiritual literature
  8. Attending shaman and religious ceremonies

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Sadhguru says “suppose you want cotton to bloom in your field. After planting the seed and making necessary arrangements, do you think that the cotton shall instantly grow? if you sit next to it waiting for the things to happen, then is it the right way?” “Of course not, in order to cultivate the cotton, you must give it some time and necessary conditions so that it may blossom”

The same situation is universally applicable. If you struggle and expect instant success, then there is definitely no point to it. Have patience; let the time play its role. Everything has a predetermined time and situation. How can you expect things to work as per your desires? The omnipotent has his plans to execute things. Let them happen as per his will and power. Have faith in him and let your life blossom like an innocent flower in the protection of the divine power.

The idea of being a devout may lead you towards deceptiveness. However, if you experience something then you can decide to submit yourself in a true devotion. Self-manifestation shall emanate faith from within.


DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 26JAN07 – Impression of the Annual Meeting 2007 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 26, 2007.

Faith is within all the human beings –it is the rescuer in all negative situations of life. When you fall apart, then faith is something that shall motivate you to continue your life. Faith is not about an intellectual comprehension, it is rather about practical manifestation that instigates the inner belief. The living observation is an outcome of a time-tested faith.

Faith is not binding, it is liberating, for “Faith is silent and insecurities are loud”. True faith is not about implementing something for a particular upshot. But, it is all about what you actually turn out to be.

The main criterion of isha foundation program is to upkeep the aliveness dimensions. The yogic teachers do not aim to instil spirituality or restore your faith upon the divinity. But, they have a wider task to do. They introduce you to the miraculous part of life which is eternal in nature. They provide you with prodigious representations that expose the mental skyline to a whole new level.

Please leave a comment below regarding your views for iChat foundation and the unceasing didactics of Sadhguru. Please leave your views in the comment box below.


Saturday, 11 March 2017

If You Read One Article About Buddhism Read this One

Buddhists often believe that the humans take rebirths as animals. So, does that mean that you are going to be a dog or a cow in the upcoming future? Does the soul really get transmitted into one body from another? What is the actual concept of transmigration and reincarnation? Karma and fate are same or two different things? There are literally millions of similar questions that often come to our mind and evacuate without getting any definite answer.

Many people have a lot of misunderstanding with Buddhism today; especially when it comes to the concept of reincarnation and soul. One of the most common misconception regarding reincarnation is humans have already lived uncountable previous lives. They have existed as animals and born as humans somehow. The next life they shall own will be of an animal most probably. The karma is what decides everything in the rebirth.


Meditation Asia Reincarnation Faith Buddha

People are not aware about reading the mythological sutras and scripts which actually contain the life secrets. Buddha left more than 84,000 teachings along with symbolic representations for diverse backgrounds. The teachings are in accordance with the mental caliber of each individual. The doctrine of rebirth has its own principles. The fear of taking rebirth as an animal literally scares all of us.

However, in the real sense, there is still a substantial need to go through the teachings so that the unclear picture can be understood. We can discover the actual truth only after going through his parable truths and realities. One must learn to differentiate between the myths and parables. If we actually learn to go transcend the parables, we all will develop an innate understanding regarding the truth.

Purple Karma


Karma operates the universe like a constant chain. It binds all the humans and all living beings. Karma is a form of justice which is bestowed by the divine power. It should not be confused with fate. Fate is what the divine preplans, while the karma is something that is determined by the living beings. One should always act noble and use good words for addressing everyone. The karma shall ease your life if executed in a right way.

The universe

There are ten realms of existence that should be studied for further generating understanding for the concept of reincarnation. A normal human has 9 realms starting from the hell till divinity. Man is capable of creating a hell on earth itself. It is our own thoughts that can either enhance difficulties or make things simplistic.

The duration of sufferings can be reduced by grasping the Bodhisattva. There is a lot about a human life which needs to be discovered.

The lesson

There is a lot to be understood from the teachings of reincarnation. The information about ghost world and realms shall tell us how do we live and what the causes of survival are. Cultivate faith towards Buddha enlightenment and always keep motivated for the spiritual inclination.


Thursday, 9 March 2017

How Aromatherapy Can Help Alleviate Stress and Pain?

The practice of using the oils of natural flowers, bark stems, leaves and roots for the purpose of psychological and physical well being is called aromatherapy. The essential oils are inhaled for stimulating the organ and brain functionality. These essential oils can be absorbed by the skin where they simply travel through the bloodstream for promoting the healing process of the entire body.

Aromatherapy is an alternative form of medicine. It has numerous applications for mood relief, enhanced cognitive functionality and pain relief. Different kinds of essential oils are used for different purposes. People suffering from a sleep apnea are often introduced with aromatherapy on regular basis.


Aromatherapy has been used since ages when stems of flowers were used for a wide range of functions. Some of the most common countries to practice aromatherapy include India, England, United States and France. The therapy is carried by involving vapour oils, herbal distills, absolutes and phytoncides. If you ever go for aromatherapy then do ask for an elaborated literature from your administrator for receiving a rough idea of their services.

The aroma of the flowers is more impactful than their core oils. Blending of all the essential oils together and then heating them to such an extent that they form into common vapors for instantly curing maladies is what aromatherapy is all about. However, if the expert way of creating an oil mixture is not followed that it can give births to variegated side-effects and allergies as well.


Some of the most common measures of aromatherapy include:

  • Stress relief: The prominent usage of aromatherapy is for stress relief. The aromatic relaxants together work to bring down the anxiety levels and eliminate your stress. Some of the people tend to perform aromatherapy at home itself. The creation of oil mix is really simple. It just needs little study to get the best effects. The oils that can be used for relieving stress levels include lavender, rose, jasmine, marigold, bergamot and vetiver.  Some of the studies have also proven that adding lemon in the aromatherapy can reduce the anger outbursts.
  • Antidepressants: peppermint, jasmine, chamomile and lavender together can together relieve depression.
  • Memory: the worst part of getting old is having short memory. Older people suffer from dramatic memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease. Aromatherapy often serves as an alternative to dementia and other supplemental treatments.
  • Boosted energy levels: the polluted atmosphere and routine activities often result in toxic accumulation within the body. The essential oils help in the natural purification of blood. Some of the best essential oils for instigating purification include angelica, jasmine, tea tree, rosemary and clove.


Always consult your doctor before initiating any form of aromatherapy. You body can be allergic to certain substances and oils which only a health expert can detect. Do not try to mix and inhale anything at a random. Always seek for professional help. We hope this information will help you bring about positive change in over wellbeing.


Wednesday, 8 March 2017

7 Flowers Which Act As Anti-Depressant and Help Us Relieve Stress

Flowers just don’t emanate soothing fragrances, but they are also the repository of uncountable Ayurveda properties. They have a significant performance when used for healing lifelong ailments. Since thousands of years, the flower power has been beneficial in curing heart failure and broken bones. Following are some of the most exceptional usage of flowers


Saffron Flower Nature Lilac Bee Purple Field


If you have a dull skin or have been puking all day long, then saffron is the best remedy that can be opted. Saffron has a tendency to calm down your nervous system along with providing strength to your body and glow to your skin.


Pendanus flowers

The aroma of musk furnishes a positive overall atmosphere. The oil of Pendanus is commonly used for treating leprosy, headache, small pox, and itchiness. You can add few drops of Pendanus to your bathing water for relieving tiredness. In case of fever, just a single drop of Pendanus essence is enough for the temperature to come down.



Rose is an epitome of beauty, love and election. The laxative (gulkand) made out of rose is the best natural laxative. It regulates stomach and intestinal functioning. It also gives a joyful wash to the body organs. You can wash your eyes with rose water for combating inflammation and redness.  The rose essence often forms a part of most of the endian desserts.


Plumeria (Champa)

Grind some Plumeria flowers in a mortar and apply it over the skin surface that has been affected with leprosy. Just few drops of this flower are sufficient enough for extinguishing skin germs. Dry up the flowers and prepare a powder out of it. The aromatic flower is amazing for healing eyesight troubles and curing fever.



The king of all the flowers; lotus has a strong connection with divinity in Hindu mythology. The raw green seeds are baked into fox seeds for consumption. Also, these seeds can be skinned for preparing an Ayurveda mixture. Lotus skin packs are primarily used for cleaning skin and having that extra glow.


Marigold flower

Marigold flowers are found near the dirty lakes and surroundings where they constantly protect homes from mosquitoes. The flowers are also used in curing liver swelling, skin problems and kidney stones.



Jasmine fragrance is literally mesmerising in nature. The flowers emanate their aroma particularly in summers. Keep some jasmine flowers in a vase for creating a fresher environment. The petals of these flowers can be chewed for curing menstrual cycle.

Flowers are not just limited to decorating homes and creating a good environment. But, they are widely used in renowned medical centres for healing patients. The psychiatrists use flowers for helping their patients to feel relaxed. A recent study conducted in America revealed that the colours of flowers have a positive impact on the human mood. They act as natural stress relievers and antidepressants. They can be used for curing mental maladies as well.


Monday, 6 March 2017

How Rituals Can Help Us Achieve Sense of Control ?

In every culture and religion, rituals play a vital role in the lives of people.  Rituals are sequential activities that are performed because of the importance and value they hold. Pious Rituals take place during a ceremony, worships, marriages, oaths and purification rites. Even during pain or loss of a beloved, rituals are performed to satiate the soul of the dead. Rituals can help you achieve a sense of control because your involvement in the ritual can help you accept the death so that you stop lamenting over it. Rituals are done to void sufferings, attain spiritual progress and achieving wealth and success in life.

Rituals are not just confined to sacred ones; performed in temples. But these also encompasses small acts we perform in our daily lives such as going for holidays, considering something as your lucky charm and wearing certain coloured clothes consistently.

Hindu Rituals

Hindu Rituals

According to a research done by Professor Francesca Gino, Rituals can help reduce or alleviate grief or sadness. This proved true even for the ones who never believed in the authenticity of any rituals.  Rituals can help a person to feel better as it has the power to heal.

These rituals are the ones that were initiated to give peace and happiness to humans they can help you achieve positive state of mind. They can be harmless unless they don’t overpower you or control your life in every possible way.

Dark Rituals

Nowadays, people are performing releasing rituals to move on from the painful period of their life. To end the suffering from a bad and painful relationship they believe in the process of burning to overcome their past memories they burn letters or photographs of their ex relationships. The burning of materialistic memories brings an end to those bad memories that were associated with people in past. It is very important to master the art of letting go and embrace your future. If taken positively, rituals can help release sorrow and distress from your life for eternity.

In contrary there are certain rituals that are disgusting and hurtful; they can be called as a ritual for some and taboo for others. They give extreme pain in order to prove their faith and conviction. As can be seen in a ritual of Bondo which calls for female genital mutilation (FGM) or cutting off the external genitals of a woman, this is done by the refugee women of Sierra Leone to celebrate their return. Many such rituals are still prevalent which cause suffering and aversion to people. Such rituals should be banned from the society existent in the name of culture or tradition.



Rituals are a part and parcel of life. You cannot avoid them but there is a fine line between a belief and superstition. You ought to understand the difference so that you can restrain yourself from the rituals that are detrimental to you. Rituals can give closure to your past life and help you focus on your desires you just need to be have faith in them before you start accepting one in your life.

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